Episode # 476, Preparing For And Recovering From Floods

Preparing For And Recovering From Floods

Recently, we have seen a number of areas across the country being deluged with massive floods, including a major highway being washed out in the Tetons.

Last episode, we covered hurricanes, and that was a very timely episode considering that Beryl has become a category four hurricane, and you know what comes with every hurricane - flooding.

This episode has Information that will help you before, during, and after a flood.

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Mentioned In This Episode:

Water Shutoff Wrench

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Gas Shutoff Tool

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Before a Flood:

 (General Prepping Activities For All Events)

 Understand the Risk:

 Know if you live in a flood-prone area. Check flood maps and local news sources for flood risk information.

Purchase Flood Insurance:

 If you live in a high-risk area, consider buying flood insurance. Regular homeowners insurance typically does not cover flood damage.

 Develop an Emergency Plan:

 Ensure all family members know evacuation routes and have a communication plan.

Create an Emergency Kit:

 Include essentials like water, non-perishable food, medications, a flashlight, batteries, first aid supplies, and cash.

Safeguard Important Documents:

 Keep important documents (birth certificates, passports, insurance policies, medical records, copy of glasses or contact prescription) in a waterproof container or digital copies stored online.

Stay Informed, before, during, and after

 Listen to emergency broadcasts and weather updates.

Structural Improvements To Mitigate Flood Issues

Elevate Utilities and Appliances: 

 Elevate electrical appliances and utilities (furnace, water heater, electrical panel) if they are in areas prone to flooding.

Install Sump Pumps and Backflow Valves:

 A sump pump can help remove water that enters your basement. 

 Install backflow valves (check valves) to prevent sewage from backing up into your home during a flood.

Seal Cracks and Openings: 

Use waterproofing sealants on walls and foundations to prevent water from seeping into your home.

  Improve Drainage:

 Ensure that your property slopes away from your home to direct water flow away from the foundation.

 Clean gutters and downspouts regularly to ensure they direct water away from your home.

Create Swales:

 These shallow ditches can direct water away from your home.

 Clear Drains and Gutters:

 Ensure that gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems are clear of debris.

Know How to Turn Off Utilities:

 Learn how to turn off electricity, gas, and water supplies in case of flooding.

 Use Flood Barriers:

 Install barriers such as sandbags, flood gates, or portable flood walls around doors and windows to prevent water from entering.

During a Flood:

 Follow Evacuation Orders:

 If advised to evacuate, do so immediately.

Move Valuables to Higher Ground:

 Relocate important documents, valuables, and essential items to upper floors if a flood is imminent. 

Move to Higher Ground:

 Move to higher floors or designated safe areas if evacuation is not possible. 

Evacuate if Necessary:

 Follow local evacuation orders and head to higher ground.

Turn Off Utilities:

 Turn off electricity, gas, and water to prevent damage and reduce the risk of fire or electrocution.

Avoid Floodwaters:

Do not walk, swim, or drive through floodwaters. "Turn around; don't drown."

Just six inches of moving water can knock you down, and one foot of water can sweep your vehicle away.

Flood water often has sewage from the sewers mixed with it

After a Flood:


Avoid Hazardous Areas:

 Avoid disaster areas until authorities deem them safe. 

Check for Safety:

 Be cautious of electrical equipment, as it may pose a risk of electric shock.

 Inspect your home for structural damage before entering. 

Document Damage:

 Take photos of the damage for insurance claims. 

Clean Up Safely:

 Wear protective clothing and use appropriate cleaning supplies to avoid health hazards. 

Seek Assistance:

 Apply for disaster assistance if available and needed.

Stuff happens. Stay prepared.

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North Alabama, USA


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