Episode # 470, Memorial Day And Part 1 of 4 On One Hundred Items That Preppers Should Store.

We have two segments today, "A History Of Memorial Day And It's Meaning" and One Hundred Items That Preppers Should Store.

Mentioned in this episode:

Episode # 466, "Tornado Safety"

Segment #1, A History Of Memorial Day And It's Meaning

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States dedicated to honoring and remembering the men and women of the U.S. military who have died in service to their country. It is observed on the last Monday of May each year.
Origins and History

    Post-Civil War Beginnings:
        Memorial Day originated in the aftermath of the American Civil War (1861-1865), which resulted in significant loss of life and a need to commemorate fallen soldiers.
        Initially known as Decoration Day, it involved decorating the graves of soldiers with flowers, flags, and other tributes.

    Early Observances:
        One of the earliest known observances was in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1865, organized by freed African Americans to honor Union soldiers who died at a Confederate prison camp.
        Waterloo, New York, is officially recognized as the birthplace of Memorial Day. On May 5, 1866, the town held a ceremony honoring local veterans who had fought in the Civil War. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a proclamation naming Waterloo as the birthplace of Memorial Day.

    National Adoption:
        General John A. Logan, leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans, called for a nationwide day of remembrance in 1868. He designated May 30 as Decoration Day, a date chosen because it was not the anniversary of any specific battle. By the late 19th century, Memorial Day ceremonies were being held on May 30 throughout the nation, and many states had declared it an official holiday.

    Expansion Beyond the Civil War:
        After World War I, Memorial Day was expanded to honor all Americans who died in any military conflict, not just the Civil War. The holiday gradually evolved to include both the decoration of graves and other forms of remembrance, including parades and ceremonies.

    Modern Observance:
        In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday by an act of Congress, and its observance was fixed on the last Monday in May to create a three-day weekend. Today, Memorial Day is marked by various traditions such as visiting cemeteries and memorials, holding family gatherings, and participating in parades. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.

Meaning and Significance

    Honoring the Fallen:
        Memorial Day serves as a day to honor and remember the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. It is a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made to secure and protect the nation's freedoms and values.

    Reflection and Patriotism:
        The holiday encourages Americans to reflect on the costs of war and the importance of peace. It is also a time for patriotic display, with flags flown at half-staff until noon and then raised to full staff for the remainder of the day.

    Community and National Unity:
        Memorial Day fosters a sense of community and national unity. Local and national observances, including parades, ceremonies, and moments of silence, bring people together to collectively remember and honor fallen soldiers.

    Public Awareness and Education:
        The holiday serves an educational purpose, especially for younger generations, by keeping alive the memory of those who sacrificed their lives and by fostering a deeper understanding of the nation’s history and values.

In summary, Memorial Day is both a historical and contemporary observance that honors the sacrifice of military personnel who died in service, fosters national unity, and serves as a reminder of the true cost of freedom.

Segment #2

(Credit to the Urban Survival Site)

Here are the first 25 of 100 items that preppers should store.

1. Air pump, hand-held
2. Ax
3. BB gun, pellet gun
4. Baby supplies
5. Baking soda
6. Bandanas
7. Batteries
8. Bicycle
9. Binoculars
10. Blade sharpener
11. Blankets
12. Bolt cutters
13. Buckets/lids
14. Cash
15. Cast iron pans
16. Charcoal/lighter fluid
17. Chlorine Bleach
18. Compass
19. Contact info
20. Crowbar
21. Dental floss
22. Duct tape
23. Dust mask
24. Eating/cooking utensils
25. Emergency candles

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