Episode # 458, How to manage stress, in prepping and in life

How to manage stress, in prepping and in life

Does your life get all chaotic at times, and does that create a lot of stress in your life?

Today, we are going to talk about How to manage that stress, in prepping and in life
Even though this is an important episode, we did have a lot of fun recording it, and we hope you enjoy it as much listening as we did recording it.

Did you know that there is a Practical Prepping private Facebook group? Link below:

Mentioned in the episode:

Practical Prepping Episode #323, starting around minute 17:00
Practical Prepping Private Facebook Group
Our item of the week

Stress is a natural response to challenging or threatening situations, it’s a part of our “fight or flight” response.
However, when stress becomes chronic or overwhelming, it can have significant effects on both our physical and mental health.

What are the signs, effects, and some options for dealing with stress?

Signs of Stress:

Physical Symptoms:
Muscle tension or pain – find you are holding your shoulders up? feel that tension? – that’s stress
Digestive issues - yes, stress can cause abdominal issues
Changes in appetite or weight
Insomnia or other sleep disturbances
Emotional Symptoms:
Irritability or mood swings
Feelings of overwhelm
Lack of motivation or focus
Racing thoughts
Behavioral Symptoms:
Withdrawal from social activities
Lashing out at those close to you
Increased use of substances like alcohol or drugs
Procrastination or neglecting responsibilities
Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

It's Important That We Understand The Effects of Stress:
Physical Effects:
Increased risk of cardiovascular problems
Weakened immune system
Digestive issues
Muscle tension and pain
Hormonal imbalances
Mental Effects:
Anxiety disorders
Memory and concentration problems
Decreased productivity
Impaired judgment and decision-making
Behavioral Effects:
Substance abuse
Relationship problems
            Marital issues may be stress related, it might be you or it might be your spouse
Work-related issues
Social isolation

There are Options for Dealing With Stress:

Seek Professional Help If it becomes:
Significantly impacts daily functioning
Seek help from a mental health professional
Prayer and Meditation
People of faith find that prayer and meditation can be a great stress reliever. The Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t take us out of the situation, but He walks through it with us. Turning our stressors over to Him, the One who knows us better than we know ourselves, can be a great relief.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
Counseling or psychotherapy
Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed in severe cases or when stress is accompanied by depression or anxiety disorders.
Social Support:
Talking to friends, family members, or support groups can provide emotional support and help in coping with stress.
In a grid-down situation, medications and medical professionals may not be available.
We'll need other solutions and here are some we can begin using now.

Learn stress management techniques:
Deep breathing exercises,
Progressive muscle relaxation, or
Visualization to calm the mind and body during challenging situations
Lifestyle Changes:
Regular exercise – walking, biking, weights, jogging, pickle ball, anything – get moving
Healthy diet - vitamins, healthy supplements –
Sufficient sleep
Stress management techniques (e.g., meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga)
Time management and prioritization
        Lack of good time management can cause added stress

This is where today's episode may help the most, not only in our prepping efforts, but in our daily lives.

Set Clear Goals: Define specific, measurable goals that you want to accomplish within a certain timeframe.
 “I will have one week of food stored within one month”
“I will have three months of food stored by pick a date”
"I will have assembled a get-home-bag by April 30th."
There's a great podcast episode on the "Ask Ralph Podcast" on setting goals
            It is specifically about setting financial goals
            Goal setting principals are the same regardless of the subject
If you want to apply it to prepping, when he says “dollars” think cans of food

There is a Practical Prepping episode on setting prepping goals
Episode # 323, starting at 17:00 minute mark

 Set clearly defined goals, then....Prioritize Tasks and Make A Plan:
You can use a planner, calendar, journal, or digital tools to organize your tasks and activities.
OK, back to our goal:
“I’ll have one week of food stored within one month”
            Need to store just under two days of food per week
            If that strains the budget, do it in two months
What is most important thing that I can prep?
If you are starting out, that’s water and food, NOT a bug-out-bag
        Why would you think you could go live in the woods for months, if you can't live at home for two weeks?

Make lists of what you will need, or tasks you will need to complete.
  “I need to clean out that closet for prepping storage”
  "I need to get a few under bed storage bins"
            Track what you are doing
Some apps can really help with this:
Ask Ralph Podcast episode discussing a number of todo list apps, including one I use daily, Todoist
Set Deadlines:
A goal without a deadline is just a wish
Will this be completed today, this week, this month, when?
Set a deadline and meet it.

Reevaluate Priorities:
Regularly review and adjust priorities based on changing circumstances, deadlines, and goals.
Be flexible and adaptable in managing shifting priorities.
By implementing effective time management and prioritization strategies, you can enhance productivity, reduce stress, and achieve greater success in your prepping, personal, and professional endeavors.

Now, let's go accomplish something great.

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